Saturday 2 July 2022

 Bodhisattvic Madness

My interpretation of a story about a Bodhisattva King Maitribala who sacrificed his own flesh and veins for 5 yaksha demons in disguise who asked to eat the flesh and veins of the people in the King's court.
 But instead, the King humbly gave his own without any other loss of sentient life.
The demons and the lord of gods were so pleased with this infinite compassionate action by the King, that they restored his life back, Hence I chose to awake this energy of the bodhisattva a being who sits within its aura resonance, in its grace of space.
Meditating and multi-armed helping and absorbing all kinds of energies and transmuting it into an ocean of bliss with bubble blessing to all beings like even the demons.

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