Saturday 2 July 2022

 Interdimensional Planetary Harmonic Convergence 

In relation to the Harmonic Convergence which is the name given tot he world's first synchronized global peace meditation, which occurred on August 16-17,1987. This event also coincided with an exceptional alignment of 6-7 planets in the solar system and the Sun and Moon.
Interpreting my concept- This is the mother of harmonic convergence who speaks of visions hence the eye as her mouth. The mother levitates upon a human thorn of thoughts and speaks visions whilst incubating a realm of sentimental beings.
As she grows strands of DNA hair from the crown which has infinite light energy portals gaining the cosmic charge of the 7 planets' alignment. The following 7 Planets are Planet Giving,Planet Smiling,Planet Hugging,Planet Creativity,Planet Action, Planet Taking, and Planet Love. The mother transcends all within the cosmic alignment activity.

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